Thu 27 Sep 2018 7:00pm
To kick off this seasons practical sessions we will be experimenting with low light/dusk/lighting up time, moving into night time urban areas. The evenings should still be mild enough for us not to become Brass Monkeys, however daylight will fade at a reasonable time.
You will need:- Camera,Lenses,Tripod,remote release,formatted memory card & spare,fully charged battery & spare. Optional:- small torch,polariser filter.
We will meet at the Harbour Arm car park at 1900 (7pm). As this is an introduction we may organise a trip later in the season to a more distant venue, however it will prepare you to go it alone to the big city........
Car Park
Harbour Arm
CT20 1QH
Thought I would do a dummy run of the low light / dusk session tonight as the forecast is relatively mild with relatively clear skies and the Harbour arm is open until 10 p.m. as it is a Thursday. I shall be there from about 6.30 pm onwards if anyone wants to join me! I am hoping to try out a technique to improve the way the background stars appear in a photo! No doubt there will be too much cloud and my technique will be rubbish but I shall give it a go anyway! I am not trying to subvert or distract from the event on the 27th, this is just me going out on my lonesome to practise so that I am more prepared for the 27th!
Sorry Eric otherwise engaged this evening.....hope you can join us on the 27th and explain your technique..