The Virtual Folkestone Camera Club, has evolved from the current situation we have all found ourselves in. We want to maintain the contact with our members and continue our activities. So we have divised a Virtual Programme via ZOOM, offering interesting lectures, of varying subjects, from professional photographers from around the country and Europe, as well as, competitions and critique of images. Our Club offers camaraderie from other photographers, experienced as well as those starting their own photographic journey and we are organising 'Trips out with our Cameras and Phones' once a month, a chance to meet up, socially distanced of course, and share ideas and tips.
A VFCC Face Page has been formed to promote and inform you about the Virtual Zoom Programme.
From September register for single events at £2.50 each, you need to buy your ticket HERE for our Star Events.
Join the Club for 15 weeks for £15 Register and automatically receive your Zoom invite to each meeting.
The great benefits of actually joining the club are;
- Entry to competitions critiqued and judged by external Photographic Judges
- Ability to upload images for showcasing and friendly constructive critique
- Your own Gallery of 20 images
- Mentoring system
- Rapport with like minded people
- Local outings out with the camera
- Frequent updates on news and external photographic events
- Great website to view all competition results and images entered